Ankush Bansal

Ankush Bansal, MD, FACP, FACPM, SFHM, MRCP (London), CFLC is a physician board-certified in Internal Medicine and Lifestyle Medicine. He is based in Palm Beach, FL. He is Voluntary Clinical Assistant Professor of Medicine at Florida International University’s Wertheim College of Medicine. His professional interests include plant-based medicine, climate change and its effects of human health, and preventive medicine. He is a Fellow of the American College of Physicians and American College of Preventive Medicine and a Senior Fellow of the Society of Hospital Medicine. He has given presentations and written about climate change, prevention of non-communicable chronic disease through plant-based lifestyles, and the use of telemedicine to increase access to medical services. He is involved with preventive medicine and climate change issues at the Florida Medical Association, American Medical Association, World Medical Association, and United Nations. He emphasizes the link and win-win of preventive medicine, plant-based eating, and planetary health. The climate emergency is one of the primary causes of more frequent and severe disasters. His twitter handle is @drakb1.