Response to FEMA Director, R. David Paulison’s ice and trailer and possible resignation announcements today
see: http://www.sun-sentinel.com/sfl-402paulison,0,1948458.story
Contact: Ben Smilowitz (314) 761-7631
Comments by Ben Smilowitz, Executive Director of the Disaster Accountability Project:
“Turnovers like this are not good for a struggling agency– but most worrisome is the announcement that FEMA was dropping ice delivery from its list of responsibilities after a storm. If FEMA is involved, it is because states ask or need FEMA’s involvement. Rather than fixing its logistics, this announcement is like throwing in the towel. It flies in the face of the White House’s post-Katrina recommendations for improving logistics in the nation’s disaster response system.”
“As the former site manager of a high volume Red Cross Client Service Center in Gulfport, Miss just after Katrina, ice was a critical resource and should continue to be central to any FEMA storm preparedness and response planning and training. With the Red Cross no longer the lead agency for Mass Care (Emergency Support Function #6) and now FEMA backing out from these responsibilities, who will assume them?”
On Trailers: “Paulison needs to clean up the formaldehyde mess before he packs his desk. Stating that trailers will not be used again is welcome news but he’s avoiding an issue that should have been fixed long ago– why are people still living in formaldehyde? It’s a disgrace and this will be his legacy, especially if the problem continues after his departure.”
The nonpartisan Disaster Accountability Project provides accountability and oversight to the nation’s disaster prevention, response, relief, and recovery systems through monitoring and policy research.
A toll-free hotline (866-9-TIP-DAP) is available as a public service for disaster survivors, workers and volunteers to report critical service gaps that must be made public and addressed. The group is recruiting a network of Disaster Accountability Monitors and Bloggers to help report, verify, and raise awareness about gaps in disaster relief services.
The Disaster Accountability Project’s website is https://disasteraccountability.org